Medical equipment is the backbone of modern healthcare. We believe cutting-edge device inventories deserve cutting-edge solutions.
Opal HTM is on a mission to make healthcare technology management smarter, safer, and more efficient.
Comprehensive utilization tracking
We monitor equipment usage in real-time with unparalleled accuracy using our patented system of intelligent sensors and data analytics.
Our solution drives deep cost savings and better patient care by providing the insights needed to right-size equipment inventory, optimize procurement and rentals, and strategically redeploy assets.
Data-driven maintenance
We use advanced statistical techniques to analyze equipment reliability over time and quantify the impact of key factors like age, usage, and location.
Our approach enables optimized maintenance programs that are efficient, adaptive, and grounded in evidence, helping eliminate unnecessary service tasks while ensuring maximal patient safety.
Cutting-edge research & development
We frequently collaborate with hospital, university, and technology partners to develop innovative solutions to pressing challenges in the healthcare technology management field.
Our work has been funded by the National Science Foundation, AAMI Foundation, and Logistics Management Institute, among others. We gladly welcome new partners and ideas!
Who we’ve worked with
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Complete this form or email us at info@opalhtm.com and we’ll be in touch shortly!